Our Services
New Business Sales and Marketing
Instead of spending time working out an export strategy, searching for the right markets, companies and contacts at distributors or Ministries just get our in territory educational experts to use their network to accelerate new revenue creation.
Want to attend conferences without the time and expense of booking meetings, flights and hotels? Let our local teams handle everything: shipping, samples customs clearance, conference attendance and set up, meetings, follow up.
Publishing and EdTech Services
Publishing and EdTech services form the backbone of our industry. Our partner content agencies provide reliable and cost effective access to these services including: authoring and editorial, digitization, video production, illustration, animation, audio production and full project management.
Perhaps you’ve had some success selling your product to international schools. Maybe you’re yet to take the export plunge. Whatever stage – and whatever your strategic question – we can create a next step plan using our expert knowledge of the global educational market.
Training and Demos
Selling your product is just the first step. Making sure teachers can use it is the next. And of course before every sale customers have to be shown your software. Our global network of trainers ensure perfect presentation and easy adoption of your service every time.
Raising capital is a full time job. That’s why we use our venture capital, strategic investor and banking contacts to keep the wheels turning on your funding wagon, leaving you to get on with your day job!
Content Sourcing
As the best digital reading platform, publisher and distributor you rely on having the best editorial. We represent leading digital, print and audio content providers. So if you require the right material just ask for our rights list. Alternatively our teams can author print and interactive content.
Content Sales
We know you’d like every child to benefit from your content. That’s why we sell to all markets. That’s the usual places plus the unusual, such as trade book publishers, via print on demand distribution, through Ministry aligned reading platforms and consumer newspapers and magazines.
We find the right people for full, part time or consultancy appointments. We’ve sourced board level executives, sales managers and developers.